Mod Description

This project contains a large amount of content consisting of various incompatible scripts and mods for X series games by the company Egosoft, currently existing in the global Internet network X-Universe Community. This version of the mod will only be installed on the game X3: Farnhams Legacy v1.3.

Current mod version:
  • X3: ComboMod v1.3.18.7
Current game version:
  • X3: Farnhams Legacy v1.3
Mod Developers:
  • XDNA78 – basic idea, modding, modeling, scripting and .obj coding
  • phalcor – seeker of true light
  • eglit – ideas, testing and invaluable bug-finding help
  • ir6ds – ideas, testing, invaluable bug-finding help, preparation of materials for the site
  • Astarot11 – game texts and grammar
Mod installation:
  • install the game version X3Farnhams Legacy v1.3
  • if you are using the Steam version, you need to copy the game folder to another location on your hard drive
  • then you have to download the file Farnham’s Legacy 1.3 NoSteam.exe from the official Egosoft website and copy it with file replacement into the folder with the game
  • after that download the mod unpack its archive and run X3 ComboMod v1.3.18.7.exe
  • during the installation you have to select the folder with the game, otherwise the mod will not be installed
  • Unoffical Patch : V1.3.18 : 2024-08-03, as well as Storylines TC/AP Plots for FL : v1.03 : 2023/12/03 are already included in the mod and their additional installation is strictly prohibited!


IMPORTANT! This mod is not compatible with Cycrow’s X Plugin Manager or any other mods or scripts.

Change Log:
ComboMod v1.3.18.7
  • mod engine has been updated to version 1.3.18
  • added the player’s shipyard to the game (can be purchased at the Phanon Corporation shipyard, manager for modernization is also available there)
  • improved game behavior in cases where a player owns multiple headquarters
  • added option to the main menu of the mod to disable missile attack notification
  • fixed resources at nividium processing plants
  • fixed connections between the player-built western and eastern gates
  • fixed export of gates that were built by the player
  • the prominence of the stations built by the player for NPC has been fixed
  • fixed resources at boron weapons factories
  • fixed the effects of firing some weapons that caused the game to crash
  • fixed appearance of mammoths with credit icons
  • removed duplicate asteroids in some sectors
  • added option to disable dynamic reputation to the mod’s main menu
  • in the main menu, improvements to the ship search menu in the universe
  • fixed export/import of pilot data from Lucike scripts
  • improved open/close of Advanced Jumpdrive and Advanced Navigation menus
  • the Freight Distribution Network menu has been improved and some new commands for working with connected complexes have been added (group renaming of stations in the complex and opening the complex in the scheduler for finer and clearer production settings)
  • fixed improved scripts of the Production Modules
  • Cycrow’s Diplomacy Extension script added to the game (pirated software section)
  • reworked the scripts of the Stardust bar
  • Cycrow’s Casino Games script has been added to the game (entering the bar will take you to the casino)
  • scripts for mechanics and weapons dealers have been reworked
  • several improvements and fixes in the R2D2 droid scripts


ComboMod v1.3.15.6c

  • fixed catastrophic shortage of water carriers and technical nividium carriers
  • fixed new script commands that worked incorrectly (causing game crashes)
  • improved R2D2 Droid mission scripts
  • fixed power plants built by GEFEST
  • fixed removal of some stations to a large distance from the complex when building the complex by GEFEST
  • Beta Electro-Magnetic Plasma Cannon has been fixed
  • fixed non-functioning turrets on AMT ships
  • adjusted the resources needed to produce some goods in Yaqui’s multifunctional factories
  • fixed destruction of player owned mammoths
  • fixed inability to load batteries into the cargo bay of the hyperspace jump complex
  • improved droid and component import
  • added missing English localization


ComboMod v1.3.15.6

  • mod engine has been updated to version 1.3.15
  • TC/AP Plots for FL has been updated to version 1.03
  • added automatic change of background screensavers to the initial startup menu of the game (added screensavers from previous games and famous mods)
  • mod that changes the original backgrounds FLRGE – Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham’s Legacy (v 1.2) – 03/2022 is included in the mod
  • changed and added new factory resources and factories for their production:
    • added Nividium as a secondary resource to all NPC factories
    • removed Crystals in energy production
    • added Water for production of some products
    • Ice mines added
    • added Ice-to-Water factories
    • Crystals are needed to make weapons
    • Warheads are required for missile production
    • Computer Components are needed to build drones, satellites, and laser towers
    • Microchips are needed to make Computer Components
    • Quantum tubes are needed to make shields
    • Tech Nividium is required for the production of Quantum Tubes
    • Nividium mines added
    • added factories to process Nividium into Technical Nividium
    • added factories to produce some missiles and new shields




ComboMod v1.3.10.5

  • the sidebar has been returned to the standard interface and a new option has been added to remove the sidebar from all types of interfaces
  • missing icons for achievements from missions of previous games have been added to the achievements menu
  • fixed menu flashing in the shield and hull indicator
  • improved asteroid icons
  • fixed display of Jump Beacons on the sector map
  • missions for buying used ships have been fixed
  • fixed the Navigation Beacons not being destroyed in station construction missions
  • fixed and completed Improved satellite MK1
  • fixed Earth Gate (the size of the gate model did not match the size of the wormhole effect)
  • mine models have been corrected (models of asteroids of the corresponding type have been added)
  • XXL station upgrade kits added to sale
  • prices for Station Upgrade Kits have been adjusted
  • fixed missing models for the Freight Distribution Network and Production Modules
  • at the stations of Production modules, the ability to store stations has been added
  • fixed the model of the Fanon corporation headquarters that led to the crash of the game
  • the Cheat Menu has been removed from public access; to return it you will need to activate the in-game script editor
  • fixed missing asteroid debris after importing your empire into a new game
  • fixed freezing when importing your empire into a new game
  • corrected incorrect sale of a player’s complex in the Universal Banking script
  • fixed the incessant voice of the on-board computer when canceling a jump in the Advenced Jump Drive
  • in the Advenced Jump Drive, the incorrect operation of the Energy generator has been fixed
  • a section has been added to the main menu of the mod on the cartography tab: Search for objects in the Universe; a Ship Search Menu has been added to it
  • fixed game freezing when using invalid goods in production at Yaki Multifunctional Factories
  • the work of the Freight Distribution Network scripts has been fixed and improved (copying of product settings to other docks has been fixed, the display of some goods has been fixed, the display of products and resources in the complex has been fixed, the ability to rename factories in the complex has been added)
  • fixed and improved Deadly Arena scripts (fixed Xtreme mode not working, fixed clusters, fixed negative rewards)
  • the Research Station (Equipment Research and Development) script module has been added, its support for Export\Import has also been added
  • added a story about the adventures of the droid R2-D2
  • the option Quick dialogues has been added to the mod menu in the Settings tab (now those who don’t want to waste time reading dialogues (for now only in the droid mission) can simply click them)
  • added the ability to Export\Import your droids
  • ships that have the ability to use the Tractor Beam have now been given the ability to use the Repair Laser
  • Unofficial Patch: V1.3.10 and TC/AP Plots for FL: v1.01 are integrated into the mod (now to install the mod you only need a clean game X3 Farnham’s Legacy v.1.3)
